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Re: [TR] WAAAAAAAAAY OT---Inexpensive wine

Subject: Re: [TR] WAAAAAAAAAY OT---Inexpensive wine
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 12:49:40 EST
In a message dated 12/5/2006 3:08:08 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

So, they  are rebottling and relabeling these expensive wines 
and selling them for  much less. Bottles that normally cost $100 are 
being repackaged and sold  for $10 or $15. So, try something new these 
days that costs much less. It  could actually be a fine wine concealed 
with a different  label.

So, are you going to give us some examples to look for in the  stores?
I guess this is sort of like buying the store brand products, usually made  
by the name brand manufacturerers as a private label.  One of my customers  
used to make Walmart jeans and Calvin Kline jeans, and the only difference was  
the label.
Robert B.  Houston
Texan in New Mexico

63 TR4

As he stared at her ample  bosom, he daydreamed of the dual Stromberg
carburetors in his vintage  Triumph, highly functional yet pleasingly formed, 
perched prominently on top of  the intake manifold, aching for experienced 
hands, the small knurled caps of the  oil dampeners begging to be inspected and 
adjusted as
described in chapter  seven of the shop manual.
Dan McKay

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