I was at a storage shed I have at an old house of mine and decided to
start bringing over some of the old parts I have accumulated. I have
several old speedometers, and is there a way to distinguish among
them? Not 1 of them has the same model/serial numbers but all but
one have the curved glass. The one with the flat glass has only one
opening for a light and one opening for the hi-lo beam indicator. The
rest have 2 opening for lights as well as an opening for the hi-lo
beam indicator.
Also, I have an AC electric fuel pump that I removed from my 57
TR3. The mechanical pump was not on the car and it had a blanking
plate covering the triangular hole in the block.
It is an Ac with this stamped on the top:
"Model 12V- EP12"
Any clues?
Thanks in advance
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