I did not see the org. post BUT:
<<> a friend in the Brit car repair business said "Replace the
> carburetors! They wear out! I have to do it all the time.">>
That "friend" is NOT one.
That "friend" is NOT any sort of LBC mechanic.
<<> I converted my 1971 TR6 to SU carbs.>>
<< The car ran wonderfully for six
> months and then began to falter. It finally got to the point that
> instead of a high speed miss, it would buck and jump and was
> undriveable over 40 mph. After working on it for a whole week doing
> everything that has ever been mentioned on the list plus a few more, >>
Not having car in hand, I will flat say that you missed something<G>!
My very First question is had you changed all the ignition parts at the time
you changed carbs??
Do carbs have a heat shield??
Is there a fuel filter??
What fuel pump??
OK, my fingers are sore from typing<G>!
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