> As some of you can tell, I am slowly, very slowly (that is, as time
> allows) trying to clean up my TR3. I am not trying for perfection,
> just making every thing functional and looking clean. I am replacing
> my battery cables. The previous owner put cables on that are,
> without exaggeration, two or three times longer than they should be.
> I noticed that the battery ground on my car is connected to a stud on
> the intake manifold. So far it works, but is that the best
> place?Steve PecaAnnandale, New Jersey1958 TR3A - TS23867L
Well, that's arguably better than the stock location, which is to a bolt in the
firewall near the battery. The stock ground strap is only 6" or 8" long.
But I'd say something on the ignition side of the engine would be better,
perhaps a coil mount bolt, or even down to the motor mount stud where the
original frame/engine strap should be. That would keep the wire farther away
from the exhaust manifold. Doesn't matter a whole lot, so please yourself.