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Re: Fuel price perspective

Subject: Re: Fuel price perspective
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:50:41 -0700
> So maybe you guys in the US don't have it quite so bad - you still have
> some of the cheapest fuel in the world, for reasons I'll leave for
> another time.

Reason?  Taxes!

As someone mentioned previously the real way to compare gas prices is 
price minus all taxes.  What is the price in South Africa, the UK and 
Canada minus all taxes?

Only a very small part of US gas prices are taxes.  The rest of the 
price goes to pay actual costs of procurement and production, plus 
setting all time oil company profit records, each broken in the 
successive year by ever greater profit margins.

I would not mind fuel price increases if part of that increase didn't 
include an increase in energy company profit margins.  I mind it when it 
is raw capitalism at its worst providing a vehicle by which the oil rich 
get richer paid for by the American middle and lower classes.

There is  golden lining in every disaster. At one end of the economy it 
is poor looters trying to get things they could not otherwise afford to 
buy. At the other end of the economy it is the big corporate looters 
hiding increased profit margins in disaster caused cost increases and 
robbing big government rebuilding contracts.  One group counts its gains 
in terms of food, kitchen appliances, clothing and furniture.  The other 
group counts its gains by the tens of millions of dollars.

Maybe it is past time for ethics to be required ongoing classes in 
American schools.


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