To give some perspective on the fuel story, this being an international
list, I filled my TR6 yesterday down here in Cape Town, South Africa. I
filled it with leaded 97 octane, which is sold at every petrol station,
unlike in the UK, for example, where places that sell leaded fuel are
few & far between. For my South African petrol, I paid 5.56 Rands per
litre, which at today's exchange rate is $3.33 per US gallon. I know for
a fact that UK petrol prices make South African ones look very cheap -
the cost in the UK is roughly double what it is here.
An additional thing that might be of interest is that South African fuel
prices are set by the government, with 2 levels: one for internal
provinces (cf. states), and a cheaper rate for the coastal ones, hence
fuel is cheaper in Cape Town than Johannesburg.
So maybe you guys in the US don't have it quite so bad - you still have
some of the cheapest fuel in the world, for reasons I'll leave for
another time.
There are some good things about being in the southern hemisphere - it's
the first day of spring. Time to take the hard top off!
Happy motoring
75 TR6, Cape Town