Bravo! I am glad that you guys were able to publish these in mp3
form. I was at the event in Rockford, and was delighted to receive
the CD, but I have been hoping that all the work that went into making
that CD could be shared with the rest of the Triumph community who
were not at the convention. Good job guys!
On 8/29/05, Ann and Tim Buja <> wrote:
> We've received a number of requests for additional copies of the Spinal
> Tappets CD that was included in each registration packet. Due to our
> budget, we could only make a limited number of CDs, and no more are
> available. However, you can now download the five tracks as 160kbps .mp3
> files.
> Tim Buja - VTR 2005 Registrar - Rockford, IL
> What's this I hear about "Smell the Glovebox" - a bootleg DVD? What will
> they think of next?
= Never offend people with style when you =
= can offend with substance --- Sam Brown =