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RE: broken sleeved thermostat

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: RE: broken sleeved thermostat
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 15:45:15 -0700
> Seeing all the interchange about thermostats brings up an issue
> I've been ignoring for too long. What's the best way to test the
> coolant temperture in a TR6? I bought a candy thermometer (stick
> with a dial on the end) but have never done the job before.

I've not tried it on a TR6, but generally just start the engine with the
radiator cap removed and let it idle until the lower radiator hose gets hot.
Then stick the thermometer into the radiator neck so the sensor is immersed
in the moving water.  Note that thermostat ratings are not terribly precise
(nor is this measurement method), so something like a -10/+5 range is
considered normal.


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