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RE: TR3 running hot

To: "John Herrera" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: TR3 running hot
From: "Mark Gendron" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 09:32:20 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Herrera
> O Randall, Imparter of Great Knowledge, please explain to this unworthy
> Airplane and TR3 Guy how putting an electric fan in front or behind the
> radiator would make a difference in how much air would flow through the
> radiator? Or did you arrive at this knowledge empirically?
> Isn't it rather like putting a resistor in an electric circuit in front
> or behind, the load? The flow would decrease just the same?


If you are truly an airplane guy, then you understand that the big fan
on the front of the airplane is effective for cooling the pilot.
Wouldn't the same apply to an automobile radiator?

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