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To: <>
Subject: Guages
From: "Terry Smith" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 20:43:32 -0500
Hello, everyone.

I just received the bad news from MoMA on my TR3A temperature guage rebuild:

"To replace bulb, charge /change line and calibrate is about $140.... we do
lots of them, yes still at the 1321 Second NW, thanks for asking, Margaret
Lucas, Owner"

I'm certain they do a fantastic job, and this would be money well spent.  They
have a ton very satisfied customers on the list.  It's just that personally,
with one child in college and two heading there, I can't justify paying quite
that much, when SunPro offers a 2" replacement guage for $17.99 at JC Whitney.

Question:  It would be nice for guages to match.  Is there a technical reason
why substituting SunPro for all the center console guages isn't feasible?  The
look isn't that far off.

Thank you everyone.  As always, I rely heavily on your advice.

Terry Smith
'59 TR3A  TS 58667
New Hampshire

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