> According to the TR4 chart I have, at the back of the car, the box sections
> are 30" apart at their outer edges (dimension #31 = 15" x 2)
> At the front, up by the radiator mounts, it looks like the box sections are
> 15" apart at their closest edges (dimension #5 = 7.5" x 2)
> The motor mount holes appear to be 16.92" apart on the TR4 (dimension #9 =
> 8.46" x 2)
> Anyone care to look up the matching dimensions on a TR3 frame and see what
> they are listed as?
Scott, I only see one of those dimensions called out on the TR2/3 plan, your #31
is the same. Makes sense, because I know a TR4 rear axle will bolt up to a TR3
frame, the additional rear width is in the axle. However, I believe your #5 is
also the same, as the TR4 frame has additional box sections on the outside in
the front to gain the additional width. The suspension towers are farther out,
which makes the motor mount holes farther apart. (The engine front plates are
different, to match the mount holes.)