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TR4 fuel line problem

To: Triumph <>
Subject: TR4 fuel line problem
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 19:10:14 -0700
Thanks for the advice on the fuel pump, the swap went really easily. I 
have to sheepishly admit that I replaced it for a leak that appears to 
be the outlet line and compression fitting. Reinstalling the old ones in 
the new pump on Friday, it leaked. And even more frustrating, the new 
lines arrived today from Moss leak in the new pump.

Are you supposed to flare the pipes against the compression washer? Is 
that odd shaped compression washer really really important?

On the outlet pipe, the new line fittings weren't the same as the old 
ones. The new inlet pipe was a completely different shape -- a short 
sharp "L" rather than a gentle curve -- but the compression washer 
matched in size and shape. I reused my old inlet pipe and fitting with 
the new compression washer and it seals nicely, but the outlet leaks 

I installed the inlet pipe without any flaring and it sealed great. The 
Moss supplied compression washer on the outlet pipe is a different shape 
than the original (the original is unusual as has been discussed 
recently on the list) and that washer got stuck in the pump when I 
pulled the line after it leaked. I had to take the pump off to get it 
out, and I tried to flare the outlet pipe a little inside the 
compression washer afterwards. Only I'm a knucklehead and the threaded 
fitting was setting on the workbench with my pipe bent to fit and the 
compression washer securely held by the flaring work.

So I've pretty much hosed my new pipe and possibly incorrect parts. I'll 
try to find parts to fit at the local auto parts stores and my good 
hardware store. Luckily it's freezing today so no convertible time lost.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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