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Re: TR4 Trip Odometer Reset?

To: Phil Ethier <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Trip Odometer Reset?
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:00:11 -0700
Phil Ethier wrote:

>...On the TR4, I decided to do the same, and coud not find a control to zero
>the trip odometer.  I felt all over the can and felt only the main
>speedometer cable and the electrical wiring.  I did not feel anything that
>felt like a cable connection for the trip odometer zero.  Of course, there
>is no knob sticking out through the curved-glass face of the speedometer.
>Is there some double-secret way to zero the trip?
Phil, there's a speedo on eBay right now, with a couple decent photos of 
the dangling tripometer resetting thing.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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