You are quite right about us neophytes out there. I had made my purchase
long before I had heard of Dan Masters and into storage it went until I was
ready (like last night.) Having said that I am reasonably satisfied with the
TRF harness although certainly would have preferred the most efficient
method possible.
I will use the wiring diagrams John sent however, as this is for a 'Dan
Masters ' harness, I wonder if there are some differences to the TRF harness
I guess the real problem surfaced with the switch itself. I removed it from
the dash last night and there are no markings at all. The only real
reference point is the pin that secures the knob. Now I wonder what other
problems will arise?. The switches from Moss have no manufacturer stamped
on them so what to do? I have always bought quality so now I am somewhat
concerned. any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I have the feeling I may now be bombarding the list with wiring questions so
my apologies in advance.
Bob, thanks for the info on Dan Masters. I would be interested in his book
on TR3 so would you mind forwarding his e-ail address.