It sounds to me like you have the cable in backwards, on my TR3 the
flexible end is attached to the choke lever (or maybe mine is
backwards <G>)
I am pretty sure you will get a definitive answer soon
>Speaking of SU's, should it take the strength of two people
>to pull the choke cable out? I bought the original choke cable
>and rebuilt the jets and they operate easy but when everything
>is hooked up it's a bear to pull the choke. Also, my choke cable
>has to be routed around the right side of the heater core and the
>solid part of the cable up next to the knob, the 4-5 inches before
>it turns into the flexible cable, almost hits the heater. Does this
>right or has my heater been moved a bit?
>1959 TR3A
Bill Pugh
1957 TR3 TS16765L
1971 TR6 CC59179L
Wallace, CA