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RE: Fitting liners, pistons

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Fitting liners, pistons
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 09:45:53 -0700
> Fit the gasket, liner - should you use a "hold-down"  for the liners?

Yes, IMO.

> Feed the piston/rod from the top down.

Only way it goes in.  An alternative is to insert the pistons w/rods in the
liners first, but I don't see any advantage.  The hold downs are easy, and
IMO you still need them while you're bolting up the big end caps.  I suppose
you could install the head first ...

> If the figure 8 gaskets are freshly lathered up with Permatex, do
> you have
> to worry about disturbing them when fitting the new pistons/rods?

To be honest, I've never tried it any other way.  But it's easy, and it's
what the book says, so why not do it by the book ?  A couple of 1/2" drive
sockets, a flat washer and a head nut ... presto, a liner hold-down.

> The head will go on shortly, so is it likely that the liners &
> gasket will
> be disturbed?

The question is whether the rings have more friction against the cylinder
wall than the liner has against the block ... and you need to turn the crank
while you bolt up the big ends, which will move the pistons in the liners.

> Trying to avoid the "gray oil" after the first fire-up.

Precisely.  The penalty for getting it wrong seems to far outweigh the
additional effort, to me.  I've cut corners in lots of places, but only for
things that take many minutes to do 'right', not just the few seconds it
takes to install a liner hold-down.  And, I've never had a Fig 8 gasket
leak.  I only wish keeping head gaskets sealed was that easy !


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