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RE: Vermont's "Northeast Kingdom"

To: "'Joe Merone'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Vermont's "Northeast Kingdom"
From: "Bob Danielson" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 22:21:03 -0400
Thread-index: AcRl/ZvnQ+QolGV0Q62ccDhNVSSE/QAJdIFg
This is way off topic but............ Heading north from Connecticut into
Vermont is a very strange experience....... Just crossing the border results
in all stress leaving our (wife and my) bodies. No traffic, beautiful views,
twisty roads, magnificent mountains, spectacular country-side, laid back
attitude etc. etc. We get up there about 4 times a year and treasure every
moment. I love seeing the people who are there but still living in the 60's.
Was there ever a better more interesting era then the 60's?? We were there a
few weeks ago for my 35th (yikes) college reunion. I often wonder why I ever
left Vermont. How many of us can say that?? Be it Vermont, Colorado, Texas,
California etc. Joe's a lucky guy. I guess you have to spend a few years
there to really understand what I'm talking about.

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Joe Merone
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: Vermont's "Northeast Kingdom"

Well as of Friday at 4:30 p.m. the mysterious car from The Northeast Kingdom
is no longer listed on ebay.

But FWIW, the "Northeast Kingdom" is a term used to describe the most rural
- and perhaps most beautiful - part of Vermont.  And by rural, I mean RURAL
because we're the most rural state in the country as it is.  
Yes it's poor up there but most people have their teeth at least - thanks to
a comprehensive health care system we've got for kids up to 18 years old.  

The term "Northeast Kingdom" was coined by former Vermont Governor and U.S.
Senator George Aiken back in the 1940s.  He's perhaps most famous for his
statement about our involvement in Vietnam in the 1960s that "we should
declare victory and go home."

Putting politics aside, that's a pretty good memory old guy Bob Danielson
has, even if he was just a young college student up here years ago - dontch
'ya know.

Me, I'm from Burlington in the northwest part of the state on Lake
Champlain.  Most people from the rest of the state say that Burlington is
kind of nice because it's so close you can see Vermont from there.  

Strange kind of humor we've got.

Joe Merone
South Burlington, Vermont
The Green Mountain State
14th State in the Union


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