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RE: VTR in Richmond

To: "'Geo Hahn'" <>, "'TR'" <>
Subject: RE: VTR in Richmond
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 10:30:30 -0400
Thread-index: AcRhNAQ1ckeWUcEiR8ij5N/lwJuzwACMYlew
Wow, I know I'll be on the lookout for Tom.  It sounds like he gives Fred a
run for his money on annual mileage.  But does he powder coat everything?

R. Ashford Little II

'70 TR6

To those who will be at VTR... Tom & Pat Kendall are driving there from 
Tucson in their red TR4.  They make many of the events around the 
country, I believe Tom has 300,000+ miles on the current engine.  He's a 
quiet guy but with a wealth of TR knowledge once you get him talking and 
very active in our local club (when he is in town). 

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