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Re: Speaking of ignition switches...

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Speaking of ignition switches...
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 18:35:36 -0500
References: <>
Okay... I've determined that the ignition switch is fine and the problem is
indeed the solenoid.  Now I'm putting my electrical dunce hat back on...

As some of you may recall, I installed a modern gear reduction type starter
a couple of month ago.  I added a bypass wire to the internal/integrated
solenoid on that unit and continued to use the cars original solenoid.
Randall, I seem to (vaguely) recall a comment you made regarding the
suitability of the original solenoid for this task (or did I dream that?).
Anyway... is it possible to just eliminate the old TR4 solenoid and utilize
the integrated solenoid on the new starter?

BTW... Steven suggested that I add some sort of web controlled robot in my
garage in conjunction with my TR4Cam.  The idea being that I could just let
you guys fix my car at your leisure whenever something breaks.  It sounds
like a good plan to me. :)

As always...


Kurtis J.
Russellville, Arkansas
1963 TR4

> > I didn't have time to try to diagnose the problem this morning.  I'll
> > around with it this evening, but in the meantime, does anyone know of
> > possible cause other than a faulty ignition switch?
> I would start by pulling the side wire off the solenoid and reconnecting
> battery.  If the engine still cranks, it's either the solenoid or a short
> right at the solenoid.  If it doesn't, connect a test lamp from the wire
> pulled off (which should be white/red) to ground.  It should light, if not
> your gremlin has gone back into hiding.  Then pull the white/red wire off
> the switch and see if the lamp goes out.  If so, time to replace the

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