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RE: Thermostat

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: Thermostat
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 07:08:52 -0700
> Moss has two types of thermostats
> listed for
> the TR4.  The original sleeved type and the reproduction (unsleeved type).
> The cost difference is significant (nearly $40 versus $6).  I
> understand the
> purpose of the sleeve in the original type.  My question is, does it make
> that big of difference in the actual cooling of the engine?  Has
> anyone had
> any experience with both types and noted the differences?

I have had direct, back-to-back experience with both, on an engine with
overheating problems.  I found no difference whatsoever except for the
temperature the thermostat opened.  Put the NOS Smith's thermostat back on
the shelf for my "Triumph museum", put the modern unsleeved thermostat in
the car, fixed the cooling problem with a radiator recore ... worked just

Lacking the sleeve does possibly reduce the water flow through the radiator
just slightly.  However, I believe TR cooling problems are primarily lack of
air flow through the radiator (or in my case, a defective original
radiator), so adding a tiny increment of water flow does no good.  Even
Triumph dropped the sleeved thermostat before the end of the TRactor motor.


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