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RE: Collector insurance (sorry for the length!)

To: "TR List" <>
Subject: RE: Collector insurance (sorry for the length!)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:41:59 -0700
> Does anyone have any recommendations? I am used to paying less
> than $200.00
> for $15,000 stated value on my TR3. Cost is not the most
> important thing but good claim service is.
> Any advice and/or recommendations would be appreciated!!

Jim, you might talk to your local Mercury agent.  They don't offer
"collector car" insurance, but my TR3A is covered as a "driver" at a fairly
modest cost, with a $10,000 stated value.

(We've had this discussion before, but just to be clear ... "stated value"
is basically "not to exceed".  If I suffer a complete loss, they still get
to try to argue the car wasn't worth that much.  Hagerty and others offer
"agreed value", which is different.)

I've never filed a claim on my TR3A, but the claim on another car was
handled most efficiently.  Didn't raise my rates either.

NFI, etc.

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