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TR3A Windshield Wiper Motor Disassembled

To: <>
Subject: TR3A Windshield Wiper Motor Disassembled
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 22:11:51 -0700
Hello, everyone.  I've got the wiper motor partly apart (by the way, a public
thank you to my 15 year old daughter for making my digital camera
disappear--NOT!).  I'm going to have to trust my memory when reassembly
happens in the next few days.  Anybody got pictures, just in case?

Question.  Moss has the brushes (simple little carbon blocks) at $17.  Anybody
know if these are standard enough to find locally?

Question 2:  Does anybody have a favorite way of cleaning armatures that have
been nested in by wasps?  Or is standard electrical contact cleaner about the
best option.

Thanks, everyone.  Rainy summer in the Northeast, so not a bad one to spend
wrapping up rebuilding my

'59 TR3A  (Body off, most back on.)
Terry Smith
New Hampshire

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