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Gear Shifting Anomalies

To: <>
Subject: Gear Shifting Anomalies
From: "Peter Arakelian" <PeterAra@MSN.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 17:36:39 -0700
Cc: "Listers" <>
Seal-send-time: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 17:36:40 -0700 FILETIME=[1A041FD0:01C451A8]
<I find it very difficult to  put the car into first gear; that is, there is
great resistance to moving the shifter so that first gear is engaged. >

As I remember, this is not an uncommon problem in gearboxes of our vintage.
If you can't get it into first, try slipping it into reverse then into first.
If you can't get it into reverse, trying slipping it into first then into
reverse.  All those moving levers and arms sometimes need to be realigned with
a little movement in their complementary position.
When I worked in dealerships during the 60's, the way to shift a transmission
was  slowly with an ever-so-slight pause in the gate.

Peter Arakelian - '71 TR6, Daily Driver

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