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RE: Gear Shifting Anomalies

To: <>
Subject: RE: Gear Shifting Anomalies
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 17:21:02 -0700
> A few notes:  I did rebuild the master and slave cylinders, which
>  appear to
> be functioning fine, I replaced the hose at the slave, and I did
> adjust all
> the play at the master, the pedal and the slave.  The PO had
> replaced the
> original tranny with one that has synchromesh on first gear.   I
> did experience
> the problem with reverse last year, but thought I might solve  it
> with the
> rebuilding the leaking master and slave cylinders.

Seems pretty clear that something is dragging, either the clutch itself, or
the input shaft is binding in the pilot bearing.

When you engage the clutch, is it very near the floor ?  This would indicate
some shortcoming in the hydraulics, or possibly the dreaded broken taper

Other possibilities include a rusty or gunked up input shaft (meaning the
clutch plate does not slide freely on it), a damaged pilot bearing (from
improper installation), or perhaps the pins that locate the transmission to
the engine are missing.  The bolts & studs do not do a good enough job, the
fit on the pins is much tighter.  Without them, the transmission sometimes
slips after installation, causing problems later that were not initially


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