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Re: TR3 Timing gear cover coating

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: TR3 Timing gear cover coating
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 14:59:07 -0700
References: <>
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JMcmahon@ICTGROUP.COM wrote:

>There was a thread a few months back about what sound deadening material
>should be coated on the timing gear cover...was there a definitive answer on
>what I should use?
You mean the stuff Jonmac described as "looking like the last of an old 
batch of bondo applied with a wooden spoon by someone wearing a 
blindfold"... or words to that affect.

FWIW and in spite of what some sources claim, I believe that not all TRs 
came with this glop on the timing cover.  Neither of my cars have it and 
from what I know of their history there was never anyone who would have 
gone to the trouble of removing it.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
64 TR4
Mt Lemmon, AZ

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