Eric K. wrote :
> The most useful thing I could think of for practising on was my TR's
> instruction manual.
> Filesize is just under 2MB. I'll leave it online for at least a week,
> maybe longer. It's free for all, for any use, except commercial purposes.
Might be worth mentioning ... this is the 6th edition of "Practical Hints
for the Maintenance ..." which includes the correct wiring diagram (except
for LHS vs RHS of course) for post-60K TR3A and B. It shows the rheostat
for the dash lamps, the in-line fuse, and the correct location and wiring
(for these cars) of the wiper switch, brake lights and turn signals.
Thanks, Eric
If you're on a slow link (modem), I would suggest clicking on
instead, then right-clicking on the "tr3a_owners_manual.pdf" link and
choosing "Save Target As" (or whatever your browser calls this function).
Once the file is stored on your hard drive, you can look at it instantly,
anytime, even if Eric has to take it off his web site.