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Re: performance add-on (no LBC)

To: "T. S. White" <>
Subject: Re: performance add-on (no LBC)
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 13:34:11 -0400
Cc: i3THabRS004814
Message text written by "T. S. White"
>Actually the effective speed, or point, where a wing becomes functional,
ie. begins to apply down force, is directly proportional to it's surface
area.  As the wing is inclined into the wind the surface area can be
reduced to produce an equivalent force.  Thus for a Hyundai to get down
force at any effective speed the wing should really be made of a surf
Additionally, the use of a surf board has the added advantage of applying
significant downforce even at zero speed.


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