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Re: performance add-on (no LBC)

To: "T. S. White" <>, Dave Massey <>
Subject: Re: performance add-on (no LBC)
From: "Philip E. Barnes" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:17:09 -0400
References: <> <>
At 6:40 AM -0700 4/29/04, T. S. White wrote:
>Actually the effective speed, or point, where a wing becomes functional,
>ie. begins to apply down force, is directly proportional to it's surface
>area.  As the wing is inclined into the wind the surface area can be
>reduced to produce an equivalent force.  Thus for a Hyundai to get down
>force at any effective speed the wing should really be made of a surf

I can appreciate the aerodynamic considerations in your argument. I 
think the geographic effects begin to come into play in this case. 
Here in central New York the surf/snow ratio is remarkably low, which 
would explain the relative dearth of surfboards affixed to Korean 
sub-compacts. Perhaps our correspondents in California or Hawaii 
could offer their observations.
Phil Barnes
Cortland, NY                

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