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Re: TRF summer party moan

Subject: Re: TRF summer party moan
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 21:08:25 EDT
In a message dated 4/21/2004 9:54:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I guess it's their choice to have it or not but it sure would be nice for 
> them to make it public on the web page or something that they changed their 
> mind so those folks that are requesting vacation days, hotel reservations and 
> such would know.   Ok I'll stop now.....
> Marty

 Hi, Marty. As only a suggestion, perhaps you and others who 
 bemoan the demise of the TRF 2004 Summer party might 
 consider staging your own summer party in your particular 
 neighborhood. Contact your local LBC clubs and suppliers; 
 put an ad on this List and others; put an ad in your local 
 newspaper or create a simple website. It isn't rather important to 
 travel all the way to Pennsylvania just to celebrate Triumphs. 
 It is rather silly come to think of it. Hold your event in memory 
 of the Summer Party that wasn't. I bet you you'll have more fun 
 and a better experience for it! AND if you have the Summer Party 
 in PA DT's after holding your own blowout, you still have the 2005 
 TRF party to consider. Give it a thought.  

 Percy Ballentine 
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