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Carburetor Question

To: <>, <>
Subject: Carburetor Question
From: "Adam C Beasley" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:48:36 -0400
I was test driving my car after performing some more carburetor
changes/repairs and a fuel pump rebuild and have questions.  The car will
start and run with a little studder every now and again while idling
(doesn't sound like it's missing) just not a completely smooth idle and my
tach stays pretty close.  First of all, I'm having trouble getting the idle
down to 850. it seems like one carburetor wants to run a little faster than
the other, even when I turn it's idle all the way down.  In order to even
them, I have to increase the idle of the #2 carb.  Is there a chance that
something is messed up on carb #1?  Also, I still think my mixture is too
rich even after turning the mixture to 3 turns counter clockwise from tight
(screwed to it's limit rich).  And final question,  while driving my car, it
did not seem to want to get past 3,000 RPM and seemed to have a lack of
power while driving about 45/50 mph.  I have checked the timing and it's
very close to being correct (it jumps slightly).


Any help will be appreciated.  I'm going to try to schedule someone to tune
it next week but would love to get it right myself if possible, or at least



'73 TR6

BTW, are there usually a lot of rattles and the like in the car and flex. it
seems to rattle a little around the transmission and I can feel the door gap
vary as I'm driving.

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