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RE: PCV for TR3A

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: RE: PCV for TR3A
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 02:57:45 -0700
> I would add that synthetic oils are a not an option for the TR
> engine unless
> the engine is newly reconditioned with tighter tolerances than original.

Sorry, Adrian, I simply don't agree.

Neither does my tired old TR engine, with it's original 1956 crank that is
worn several thousandth's undersize (but never ground), and it's used
pistons and liners (salvaged from the scrap bin), that has very happily done
battle almost daily on Los Angeles freeways for some 10 years now on
synthetic oil.  Which BTW, is far longer than I figured it would last and I
think the synthetic oil played a large part in that.  Not bad for an engine
found sitting in a cornfield !

Even took 1st in class at the autox at VTR in Beaverton.

Yes, it does mark it's spot and I have to add a quart every few months
(sorry, haven't kept records any better than that).  But AFAIK that's also
the original 1956 rear seal in there ... it's allowed to drip a little,
especially with the crank banging around like that !


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