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RE: TR4a OD Trans in a TR250??

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR4a OD Trans in a TR250??
From: "D&B Lambert" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 17:06:16 -0700 i3C04WwY016469
You might talk to John Esposito at Quantumechanics about changing accumulators. 
 ISTR lister Brian Sanborn did some sort of swap with John when Brian was 
rebuilding his OD.  Something about trading the larger accumulator assembly for 
the smaller unit.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Randall Young
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: TR4a OD Trans in a TR250??

January, the parts to convert an earlier unit to the later "non-banger" spec 
shouldn't be too hard to find, especially since the racers don't like the soft 
engagement and so sometimes convert later units to the earlier spec.

You'll need the accumulator sleeve (which the SPC calls a housing), 501908;
the accumulator piston & rings 501909;
the spacer tube 502563;
and the spring 515131;

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