happy easter everyone
I was planning to rebuild the clutch hydraulics on my 71 tr 6, but
rebuilding may not be practicul.The mast piston has some movement but the
exterior of it has corroded so i think i will definitely replace it. i
still hope to rebuild the slave since its construction makes it a
little more bullet proof. i want to replace the flexible portion of the
between slave and master the original looks like junk moss has an
original type but don t think i want that, a aftermarket not sure if
it is better made if so that would be a good choice, and a braided
steel line but the price is a little bit ouch for that. i m sure the
braided is the best but is the aftermarket one better construction than
original?? and has any found a local supplie for u joints i have a web
page that list possible replacemen t joints but was wondering if some
one bought them a napa or some where and knew a part number TIA
jason 71 tr 6