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Oilspots Item

Subject: Oilspots Item
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 17:19:05 -0800
ShipWrights Disease

It  was a simple enough request...a Triumph eMail list member was 
compiling data  on small mouth TR3s.  I had already sent the 
commission number  and was asked if I had a  mulliner's plate?   If 
so what was the number?

The mulliner's plate is a small brass plate  located on the firewall 
above the battery.  I looked...I had one. was covered with 
paint...(shark music in the background).  This would be simple just 
unscrew it, clean it, maybe even  polish it...(shark music gets 

As  I  removed the last  screw it was still stuck to the firewall 
with some  paint, so I barely touched it with the screwdriver only to 
note with horror  that it came loose and slipped down behind the 
battery box liner..."oh my goodness", I exclaimed, "it makes me so 
unhappy when something like that occurs"  or words to that affect 
which cannot be mentioned here.

Pulling  the battery box  liner out only made  the da&* thing fall 
further down.  Well  no getting around it the Battery, and liner will 
have to come out...(shark music reaches a crescendo)   ShipWrights 
Disease has Struck.

With  the  battery and liner out it  was a simple matter to retrieve 
the offending plate, but now the bottom of the battery compartment 
was  exposed...OMG...Rust!!!  Holes!!! Now ShipWrights is in  full 
swing,  vacuum  cleaner takes  care of the  loose  stuff, some 
careful wire brush  brushing shows it is not good to proceed like 
that.  I have a  spare replacement battery compartment in the attic 
but that  will require cutting and welding, neither  of which I am 
proficient at...( read  that don't no nuthing)

I  could cover  the holes  and pour  in epoxy...hmm no epoxy...but I 
do have a couple of rolls  of  aluminum  tape, good stuff, so I  put 
in two overlapping layers,  looks good.  But that battery box liner 
still  looks  crummy, outside it goes for three  coats  of Gloss 
Black  paint. While  that  is drying, let's have a  look at  that 
elusive Mulliner's plate ...  covered  with several  coats of paint. 
Out comes the paint stripper, off comes the paint...yup ...  brass 
alright.  A  coat  of polish, a trip to the  buffing  wheel  and that 
sucker shines like gold.

By now the paint is dry on the battery box liner, so that is 
installed  with a good bead of Silicone Sealer  No 5, battery 
re-installed...starting to look good,  even better the deadly effects 
of ShipWright's Disease are going away...  Resistance is NOT futile, 
I was  not  assimilated.
Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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