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Re: Too Lean TR6? (Found/Fixed)

To: "Graham Stretch" <>
Subject: Re: Too Lean TR6? (Found/Fixed)
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 22:36:10 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Graham Stretch wrote:
I love the injection system, it is beautiful in principle and construction,
though a little temperamental until the tweaking is done!

Amen to that. Spent a very happy hour, bleeding out the air locks after
fitting the new MU and then pulling out each
injector to persuade a spray instead of a dribbling blob. Fun with a fag in
the corner of your mouth and atomised fuel blowing everywhere - including
over a very hot exhaust manifold. But she's running consistently on all six
now - with lovely barks and faffles at the back end on over-run. After all,
would it be a Triumph if these little things weren't there to keep us on our
toes - or on our backs, underneath?


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