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2004 Michigan British Reliability Run

Subject: 2004 Michigan British Reliability Run
From: "Blake J. Discher" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 19:13:49 -0500
Hi everyone,

With a big tip-of-the-hat to many of you who donated, last year's Michigan 
British Reliability Run was a huge success.  So much so that we're doing it 

Last year's 800-mile British-only run raised over US$12,000 to help send 
children with hemophilia to Camp Bold Eagle, the Michigan Hemophilia 
Foundation's educational summer camp.  This year, the goal is reach 
US$20,000 in donations for children coping with diabetes.  Both the 
American Diabetes Association and the Canadian Diabetes Association run 
educational kid's camps and that's where this year's donations will go. Why 
two charities?  It's because this year's route takes us around Lake Huron, 
through Canada, so we'll probably have quite a lot of Canadian British car 
enthusiasts taking part in the run as well.

If you reside anywhere near Michigan or Ontario, Canada, and can set aside 
September 25-26th, why not join us; an entry form is on the web site.  If 
you can't, please help our effort by sending your check, in any amount, 
made out to either charity, to:  MIBRR, 11777 Belmont Ave., Warren, 
Michigan 48089 USA.  I know I join a long list of those seeking 
contribution.  If I am too far down the list of folks who already receive 
your generosity, thanks anyway for your consideration.  But, if you can 
possibly spare a bit more, the kids fighting diabetes will be grateful.

To read about the run, read a recap of last year's run, or see pictures of 
registered cars, check out the event web site at  There is a link 'Info for Car Clubs' where you can 
download ads for your club's newsletter and a flyer explaining the run in 
detail for club meetings in case you want to get your club involved in 
fundraising as a group.  If you care to organize a run of this sort in your 
neck of the woods, I am glad to share what I know to help get you started, 
just drop me an email.  (Fellow lister Jonmac helped me a great deal to get 
this one off the ground, so I'll certainly pass along what he taught 
me.)  Our club, the Detroit Triumph Sportscar Club received quite a lot of 
favorable press and actually gained a few new members from all the 
exposure.  Most important though, we had fun in our cars while raising 
money for a great cause.

Please do me the favor of passing this on to other British marque owners, 
clubs or listserves you may be aware of.

Blake Discher, Detroit

Even in the worst of times, there is always someone who's never had it better.
Even in the best of times, there is always someone who's never had it worse.

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