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Re: List topics and such

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: List topics and such
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 00:59:50 -0500
Cc: "The Hansons" <>
References: <>
Um, Clark- is Mark Bradakis- basically this is HIS
list... I do agree with your remarks concerning off topic discussions,
however. I can only stand so many comments on lug nut threads, trunnion
oilers and the correct tire valve cap color.(Note re this topic, 1980's and
90's Ford vehicles came with a grey plastic bullet shaped tire valve cap.
Said cap also had vertical grooves on the sides, before tapering to a point,
taper area was smooth. It is of no importance, but on the ford lists, it may
give someone the edge.)

Anyway, if it wasn't for the occasional threads on stupid off topic
subjects, I may have quit a while ago. I always know that when I am tired of
the subject, the "Delete" key is merely a keyshot away. Check my deleted
file- Lots of unopened on topic stuff there. Why? On topic gets dull after
20 or 30 messages containing "Oh, yes- I see you're right about the 1/4-24
right hand thread on the Herald trunnion nipples." followed closely by "Is
it the same for Spitfires?" and a third party offering "I used to clean my
nipples with a special 3M solvent. Worked well for dried gunk." Major
follows tend to include "Was that the 3M I can no longer get because they
never made it" and "I thought the nipples were left hand thread on the right
trunnion" not to forget  the usual "Well I asked her what she cleaned hers
with, just before she hit me..."  Least, but not last, "Are we talking about
the ones to grease the rear halfshaft bearings?" which incites a further
round explaining whose head is in which position relative to their anatomy.
There are only so many ways to explain the finite number of possible
subjects deemed on topic. However, everyone has a related off topic subject,
and they make for refreshing change of pace. Then we can all discuss
Universal Joint bearing diameters for a while longer with no one going
insane, and adding an "MG" logo to their Triumph...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>

> Hi!...........Sorry!!!.......but I haven't the faintest idea who you
> are......but can tell by your tone that you are really trying to help our
> net.........!!!

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