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RE: WAS - anyone in birmingham, al ?

To: "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>, <>
Subject: RE: WAS - anyone in birmingham, al ?
From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 15:07:11 -0700
Organization: personal home email
man, i love these lists !!!  you guys are awesome.  lots of great input.  i
won't mention names but one of you guys actually knows this car.  the current
seller is selling it one day after buying it!!!  i want you all to know, i
partially got ripped off on an ebay 80 tr7.  the seller swore "IT'S
BEAUTIFUL", i walked away from it in a parking lot after spending $800 in
travel and losing my $500 deposit.  my wife was with me on that "deal" and
insists all ebay is crooks now.  the lack of forthright-ness by people is
amazing.  why was i looking ?  i'm looking for a v8 conversion candidate (read
great body).  my current 7 is granny burgundy and a good paint job costs more
than another car (then again, maybe not huh?).  thanks again, larry

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