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Re: Cops, LBC's and Firearms (was RE: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever)

To: "jonmac" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Cops, LBC's and Firearms (was RE: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever)
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 12:19:19 -0500
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
References: <001401c40772$c6f7a0c0$8ce407c3@evesham>
Oh Man. Benny Hill himself couldn't have come up with that wild a caper!
Even the Pythons would have disbelieved it! Great story!


> Ken Gano wrote:
> Most Americans are surprised that the average English constable on patrol
> unarmed, but I always have thought that was quite a good measure of  the
> respective societies.
> In the run-up to Christmas 1965 and as a young (and very wet behind the
> ears) UK police reservist, I was seconded with three colleagues - all of
> in uniform and unarmed on a Turkey Patrol. This required us to spend four
> hours "on observation" sitting in one of four large wooden huts on steel
> wheels in a cold and frosty field with fifty odd rebellious and aggressive
> turkeys in each hut! Around midnight, some 'ne'er do wells' approached,
> intent on malice aforethought, and one carried a shotgun. Unfortunately,
> slipped badly in some unfrozen mud, fell down and in the process let off
> both barrels. The predators took immediate flight in a Mark 10 Jaguar - as
> we did as well, though not without a twinge of conscience. Paul and Mike
> wanted to chase them in Paul's pre-war Morris 8 tourer, and then thought
> better of it. After debate and because we were then frozen stiff, all
> decided a return to the police station to summon reinforcements was the
> better (and safer) option - and we all wanted to get there first. Clive
> jumped into his Mini Cooper and shot off but only plunged into some even
> deeper mud, the Morris 8 wouldn't respond to exertions on its starting
> handle - and that left me to 'do the business' in Mum's Herald 12/50. In
> rush of adrenalin and anxious to impress my Serjeant, I fell into the car
> and promptly managed to sit on my truncheon! I still periodically suffer
> from the resulting injury and if anyone should ever see me walking as
> I have two farrowing sows between my legs - you'll know the reason why.
> Looking back, if we'd been armed at the time, I guess one of us might well
> have shot out the tyres on our own cars.
> See what you've started, Mr. Porter!!!!
> Jonmac

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  • Re: Cops, LBC's and Firearms (was RE: traffic cops; no LBC whatsoever), Scott A. Roberts <=