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RE: Concorde - nonlbc

To: "'David Templeton'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Concorde - nonlbc
From: "Bill Davies" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 18:10:30 -0000
Thread-index: AcQFZr5BgvsKbUDnQV6Gp5hJdkmlaAAmQ2Qw
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of David Templeton
> I then thought of all the people that contributed to her inception, design
> and maintainence. This is my thank you to all of them for giving the world
> a
> lady of the sky and flying art. Thanks to those who found a better home
> other than the scrapman crusher.  In the end something I can show my kids
> betond just a picture. The TR3a we have is the same way, the kids see the
> pictures but until they hear, see, smell and ride in her the experience is
> not complete.

Last November 26th I was fortunate to see Concorde number 216 on her last
ever flight, when she returned home to Bristol. This was the last time any
of the fleet would fly, so a real moment of history. I had seen Concorde fly
many times, but this was different. My son Tom was approaching his 4th
birthday, this was the last opportunity we would have to show him this
wonderful piece of engineering in it's element. 
We stood overlooking the Avon Gorge, Brunel's magnificent Clifton Suspension
Bridge just out of sight to our left. There was the expected large crowd,
the City of Bristol had come to a standstill. We had no idea which way she
would fly, so finding a vantage point was a matter of guesswork. Eventually
she flew overhead and was in view for about 30 seconds, our video footage
has an excited voice shouting "I see Concorde", and we know that it was
worth going, the memory will be with Tom for the rest of his life.
As Concorde flew from view, there was the most respectful round of applause,
it felt like a very British way to say goodbye. 
One thing which struck me as we drove home is that I can remember the news
reports on day Concorde entered service. Watching the end of an era somehow
made me feel very old, but I was glad to be there.
Sorry for the off topic rambling, 

       .......just what you've been looking for

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