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TR IRS diff mount reinforcing

Subject: TR IRS diff mount reinforcing
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 23:54:13 -0700
Okay, here's a first draft of an article on reinforcing the mounting pins
that are supposed to hold the differential to the frame on TR4A - 6 cars.
If your internet access is web capable:

 - Go to

 - Click on "Articles" in the menu on the upper left, which should present you
   with a page listing all the articles on the wiki so far.  The current total
   is 1.

 - Click on the 'Read more' link under the image of the reinforcing plate

There's still some stuff I need to fill in, look up, etc. but I'd like to know
if something like this would be of use to folks.


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