>Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 08:05:43 -0800
>From: "Randall Young" <Ryoung@navcomtech.com>
>Subject: RE: Title nightmare!!!!!!
>> but here in Va. the "State Police" will come to
>> your home after you have completed the build
>CA's police don't make house calls at your request, but there is a similar
>procedure available here.
I believe this is the orgin of the rapmusic song "911 is a Joke".
However even here in WA state, it is known that if you don't want to
wait 1-2 hours for a policeman after an accident one must say "I think
somone is injured" to ensure a timely response. Probably because they
are overworked-I mean who ever saw/knew/heard of a lazy cop? Right?