> Now that I'm down to a bare block I'm trying to decide if I need to have
> the cylinders bored out to oversize. The Haynes manual says to take a
> piston sans rings, insert it 3/4" into the cylinder and measure the
> clearance with a feeler gauge. Clearance should not exceed .010 in. I
> did this test and found a .013 feeler gauge can be inserted about 3/4"
> of the way down between the piston and cylinder bore.
Are you doing this with the piston the "right way up" in the bore ? The
area where the rings go is normally a slightly smaller diameter than the
skirt of the piston, and I'm pretty sure the Haynes instructions meant to
measure between the piston skirt and the cylinder wall.
BTW, Enco has a 0-3" micrometer set on sale just now for $25
although I'd suggest springing the extra $13.50 and getting the 0-4" set.
Add a telescoping gage set
and you can really measure those bores, including for wear, ovality and