I've posted this option for an Alternator Pulley source at least once before
but it's been a while and I don't know if this source for a wide belt pulley
still exists.
Call Fifth Ave Antique Auto Parts @ 785-632-3450 and order his pulley. He
may also advise you to purchase his mounting and electrical diode kit. You
don't need those as he has designed his system for an old Ford. Just
purchase the pulley. Last literature that I have says the pulley is $30.00
bucks. As for mounting the Alternator, you need to file or cut off about 1/2
inch of surface (it may be a little more) at the bottom mounting hole of the
Delco Alternator to essentially make it at the same plane as the rest of the
face plate. Be very careful that you maintain this surface parallel with the
face plate surface as this then keeps the Alternator and pulleys in the same
plane too. The alignment of the belt should be very close at that point. In
my case I needed to shim with 3 very thin washers to make a final
adjustment. The top Triumph generator adjustment bracket in my installation
needed a very little bend to work very well and installs to the back side of
the Alternator. My installation only mounts at 2 spots but after 3 years is
working fine.
If I can be of any other assistance write to me off line and I'll try and
help you with your installation.