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Safety wire

Subject: Safety wire
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 15:20:42 -0700
For the fist time I have a need for safety wire. I may need more of it if I 
get the Justin Wagner oil pan gasket for the TR3 (LBC content), so I want 
to get the right stuff.
(Small aside - This is actually for the (6.667:1) differential of a 
Ferguson tractor. I have two and am selecting the best parts to make one, 
however both pinion gears and one of the crown wheels were shot. I ordered 
the pinion from MF, and to my surprise it came with the crown wheel - they 
say they must be installed as a matched set. $128 Cdn - couldn't believe it.)
OK, the question - is safety wire something special that can only be 
procured at my local speed shop due to its being some fancy alloy, or can I 
go to the local hardware store and just get wire of the appropriate gauge?
TIA,Jim Wallace
TR3 TS81417L
TEA20 TEA273833
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