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Re: Overdrive Yeah or Neah

To: "1-Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Overdrive Yeah or Neah
From: "Michael Andrews" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 22:34:09 -0700
Here in California with the long drives between places I use it to keep the
rev's down from SF to LA---Also Herman VanDenAkker clued me in to the
overdrive shifting on twisty roads. You roar up to a corner in 2nd O/D and
with out taking your hands from the wheel -you flick the switch to down
shift for the corner and then flick it back on when you clear the apex--what
a blast( it's like Michael Schumacher's Ferrari). Even though I've broken
the tranny once and had it re-rebuilt and had other misadventures with the
O/D is a great thing. I would like to know how the Francorchamps O/D's work
though. They have a mechanical activation instead of a solenoid one.
Try it you'll like it---Mike Andrews TR2inLA

>From: "Odd Hedberg" <>
>To: "1-Triumph List" <>
>Subject: Re: Overdrive Yeah or Neah
>Date: Fri, Aug 22, 2003, 1:24 AM

> Michael Godley wrote:
>> I am strongly considering converting to overdrive, and I need to
>> make the decision ASAP.  My TR4A Gearbox is at Quantum
>> and for $1000 or so it can come back with an A-Type overdrive
>> and all the bits required (switch, solenoid, harness, etc.) to
>> complete the installation.
>> For those who have made the switch Would you do it again?..

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