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re: some opinions please

Subject: re: some opinions please
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 17:34:57 -0400 FILETIME=[BF918DB0:01C35D2B] id h77LZ724031807
Hi Stuart,
   I'll wave at any old, cool car.  Most LBCs wave to me, some old muscle
cars and hot rods acknowledge me (especially if I wave first).  I am not
offended if someone does not wave.  Maybe they are too busy watching their
water tempeature gauge topping out.
   I used a Mobil station to pull a U-turn last week.  Just so happened
there's a huge 1930s Rolls Royce at the pump.  I stopped in mid turn and
said to the driver "Wow that's a great car".  He looked at my TR6 and said
"Boy, you don't see many of those that aren't rusted out".  He was driving
what turns him on, I am driving what I like.  We can all get along.
   Miatas are cool.  They have the right spirit.  Betcha half of those
drivers used to drive an LBC, but now don't have the tools or time to keep
one running.
   Story: Two guys are at a cruise night looking at someone's weird late
model Mercury Cougar customized with fiberglass body panels to sort of look
like a 50s hot rod.  One says "Well, it just goes to prove: there's an ass
for every seat".
   The guy who owns this car probably thinks a TR6 is weird.  It's all in
your perception.

             Rick   1973   TR6   stuck in Mass.

>  I'm working on a radio story about the informal/perceived hierarchy of
>antique cars. That is, who waves to whom when passing on the road, who
>would you feel inferior/superior to if you pull up next to them at a red

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