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RE: Some opinions please

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Some opinions please
From: "Vern Catron" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 19:22:18 -0400
Driving a rare Triumph here in the States (1966 2000 Estate)I get a ton of
inquiries about it. In Jacksonville there is a large "old car" organization
and find almost everyone involved in old cars her really appreciate those
that work at keeping them on the road. Yes I do run into the occasional
person that looks down on everything but their pet car.

Vernon Catron MBA/TM

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 7:10 PM
Subject: Some opinions please

Hello All Listers,

I'm working on a radio story about the informal/perceived hierarchy of
antique cars.  That is, who waves to whom when passing on the road, who
would you feel inferior/superior to if you pull up next to them at a red
light, who do you quietly smirk at if they wave at you (posers in Miatas,
for one), etc., etc.  I'd appreciate any and all opinions and experiences,
and please don't limit yourself to just British cars or Triumphs.  Thanks
for all your help.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the variety of
responses, and I'm sure this will spark a lively conversation.  I'll keep
you all posted on the story.


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