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Re: California Black Plates no LBC

To: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Subject: Re: California Black Plates no LBC
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 08:06:15 -0700
References: <>
Well we are getting a little off LBCs,  but I am compelled to  point 
out that the "fiscal mess he inherited" included a Surplus of 25 
Billion Dollars (that is with a B)...we  now have a Deficit of 35 
Billion Dollars (same B),  clearly due to the "inherited fiscal mess".
Reasonable  folks should be able to agree  to disagree...<G>

>Well, the energy financial fiasco was the work of the previous 
>administration that fell due early in this administration.  And them 
>Texas good ol' oil boys pulled every money grubbing scam in the book 
>(where's the special prosecutor looking into the Texas oil boys?) 
>But I'll have to agree with every one else that the current 
>administration handling of the fiscal mess that he inherited rates a 

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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