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Re: Triumphs Only

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Triumphs Only
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 09:13:09 -0700
References: <001b01c340a9$c9f2f760$1fd4ddd1@bbrewer> <a05200f01bb28a414ed5c@[]>
>I have to agree with dealings  with Wayne have  always 
>been good...if you really need a part, he probably has it, I have 
>been to his warehouse  and it  is  HUGE. In his defense I think  you 
>should put yourself  in his position, can you imagine  the times he 
>has been burned buying  his inventory of parts??  I look at it this 
>way, Wayne is in business to make money,  not to support  our LBCs 
>Pro Bono...and there is the  old  axiom of  "supply and demand"...I 
>purchased a bonnet (hood) from  Wayne and it  was warped, I returned 
>it and picked  a "better" one, it costs a little more...BUT it  WAS 
>better, you get what you pay for.

I'm confused. I thought the main issue with Wayne and this whole 
'Fake TR5' thing was HONESTY, not price. I didn't see a single 
comment regarding the PRICE of the alleged TR5. They were only 
commenting on the fact that Wayne blatantly misrepresented the car in 
the ad. And Wayne himself admitted as much, although he may not have 
realized it at the time. If you or anyone else wants to continue 
doing business with such a person, that's your call.

I've never purchased anything from Wayne. Hell, I hardly even knew 
the place existed, although I do vaguely recall past discussions 
about his shop on this list. (very similar discussions, if I remember 
correctly) But now that I know a little bit about Wayne's ethics (or 
the lack thereof) I know I never will purchase anything from him.

I have my own business as well, and I'm in business to EARN money. 
Wayne is in business to MAKE money. There's a difference. Being in 
business is no excuse for deceptive tactics and lousy ethics.

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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